I was approached to produce another icosahedron, with a few small alterations. This one was to be larger – just under 2m tall at the top nodes – than the…
SSH into a raspberry pi – why bother? I am interested in learning how to upload to, run programmes on, and download files from other computers – it is a…
Getting to hello world – a video that dims live We had a previous example of a processing script that took the brightest pixel from a video (reliable and known…
Image from: http://lightmemory.net/About Image from: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1188160556/tracing-the-future-we-shape LightTraceMemory was an event that took place as part of the London Festival of Architecture 2017 (LFA). The event used a spherical pendulum, which…
Peter Rice is possibly the best known structural engineer of the 20th century – projects he worked on are some of the best known today: the Sydney Opera House, Beauborg…
If you ever want to send me some information in confidence (not sure why this would happen, but maybe one day it will be useful) or would like to send…
Rudolf Laban was a dancer, choreographer and movement theorist (https://www.theatrefolk.com/blog/the-eight-efforts-laban-movement/). One of Laban’s most enduring contributions to dance is his notation – this notation acts as a way of recording…
The first experiments are working well, although they are certainly a bit untidy looking – different projections and more consistent behaviours of pendulums are needed. Individual harmonograph Image with individual…
Spherical pendulums produce some attractive forms on their own, but they have been applied together for a long time now (it is quite a Victorian thing apparently) to create compound…
Finding the governing equations, and forming a strategy for creating a really basic solver given some initial conditions: Then using this code to draw some pendulums and their movements through…
Another day, another door on the tube. But, Donald J. Trump is now president elect of the United States, so I can’t be more odd than the median(ish) American.
Today I carried an ebay-ed door across London. The second door can wait, my forearms hurt. But, so many people engaged with it – mostly with jokes, knocking on it,…
Sets are a subset of lists in grasshopper, with some useful restrictions, though on the whole their usefulness is quite limited. Sets are limited to more primitive data types, such…
First, good sources of information: http://grasshopperprimer.com/ http://wiki.bk.tudelft.nl/toi-pedia/Grasshopper http://www.grasshopper3d.com/ Meta-source: https://explodebreps.wordpress.com/grasshopper-resources/ Book: AAD_Algorithms-Aided Design by Fulvio Wirz I am starting to use Grasshopper in anger now – and am managing…
The Selection of Design is short – really short, it maybe takes an hour to read through. This is understandable, looking at the timeline of books written by Glegg this…
I am slowly reaching the point where I can use the technical information about the Arduinos (and clones) to make progress beyond ‘mashups’ of previous and example code. This allows…
I’m not really one for self-improvement, glossy books and lofty goals you never quite stick to have always seemed tacky. Freakonomics has taken a bit of a step down by…
ISBN 0 521 07447 9 The Design of Design is the genuine advice of someone seen who has seen (and made, analysed and corrected) his fair share of errors. Some…
With its profits UST funds several EngD students, and a byproduct of one EngD (by Gennaro Senatore) has been the adaptive truss. It is quite a sophisticated bit of kit,…
I tried making a great dodecahedron as a kid – though no trace of it remains, sadly. The book I copied the net from, Mathematical Models by Cundy and Rollett,…
Hey, I’m A.G. Silva, I’m so glad you came! I have been leaving messages in presentations for years, trying to escape these diagrams where a tightrope walker balances lots of…